This wallpaper collection NEUTRALIZER 01 released by HOOKEDONWALLS was developed with Grandeco's patented wallpaper technology Pure & Protect®. At the basis of this technology is Nobacoat®, a transparent disinfectant coating, Wallpaper coated with Pure & Protect® eliminates 99.9% of detected bacteria, fungi and viruses. Through air movement, negatively charged bacteria, fungi and viruses in a room are attracted to the wallpaper positively charged by Pure & Protect®. Without chemistry, Pure & Protect® destroys the attracted culprits within the hour. The coating makes the wallpaper extra washable, scrubable.
Sometimes daring, often surprising and always just that little bit different. HookedOnWalls has a distinct style that is tasteful and accessible.
Each new design is created with an eye for the smallest details, and the color palette does not escape this care.